Classico Barbershop

History of styling products

We all use pastes, pomades, waxes, and so on for styling. But how many of us know where all these products come from in the first place?
It all started as early as 3,500 years ago. In ancient countries, Egypt and Mesopotamia, there was a cult of hairstyles - someone preferred to curl his beard, and someone straight hair to his shoulders.
There is a lot to do without hair styling products.

- Or maybe you could do without? - Or maybe you could do without?
- No, we couldn't, say Egyptologists who found traces of animal fat in the hair of mummies.

Exactly. In those days, animal fat and its products were used for styling. But not in the Nordic countries, for whom it was too valuable. It was used for heating and lighting and the resins from conifers were used for paving.
Ancient Egyptian examples of haircuts
In the Middle Ages, the wigs were packed with grease and sprinkled with flour (but then you had to hide them from mice).

But in the 19th century artificial waxes and pastes replaced them. Hairdressers then began to use beeswax and Vaseline. In the 1900s came the briolin, which is used for styling to this day.

Our usual pastes, powders and pomades appeared in the 1930s and 1950s.
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